Pregnancy Test

Poem — when peeing on a stick changes your life

Caro Kocel
2 min readJul 13, 2022
A Clear Blue pregnancy test showing a blue cross, indicating pregnancy.
Blue cross means you are pregnant. Image: author’s own

Congratulations! You’ve had unprotected sex!
Let’s hope that was indeed the plan
That there’s love between this couple
Woman, other and/or man

Life carries on as normal
Drinking coffee, smoking pot
While conception’s taking place
A few weeks is all you’ve got
Of blissfully ignorant normality
Of simple daily mundanity
Before any signs begin to show of
A newly changing reality

Your period hasn’t come yet
One two three days, still no sign
It might just be late, you cannot know —
Have another glass of wine

Four five six seven
Eight days late?
Regular? Irregular?
You’re in the hands of fate
Enough is enough!
You cannot wait!
Until you know you cannot rest:
It’s time to get a pregnancy test



Caro Kocel

Nature-loving life-learning hula-hooping sunshine fish: UK, France, Japan, Micronesia.